Monday, June 17, 2024


JUNE 17.
Is there no balm in Gilead?
Jeremiah 8:22

GILEAD of old was famous for its balm;
  and what Gilead was, the gospel is -- yea more.
The balm of Gilead would heal some wounds,
  the gospel will heal all.
Is thine heart wounded?
  It may be by the guilt of sin,
  the unkindness of a friends,
  the opposition of the world, or
  the false representations of Satan.
There is balm in our Gilead, and
  there is a Physician there.
Take thy wounded heart to the gospel -- take it to the Saviour.
Pray the Holy Spirit to apply one of the leaves of the tree of life,
  or the precious blood of the dear Redeemer.
Either of these would heal thee.
Jesus bindeth up the broken in heart, and healeth all their wounds.
Let not thy spirit droop, yield not to dreary despondency,
  but “Go up to Gilead and take balm”.
Lay hold on the promises and
  invitations of the gospel by faith,
  they will soothe, soften, cheer, and
  heal thy wounded soul.
The remedy is infallible,
  it never failed yet.
It is a universal medicine, and
  will suit all ages, cases, climates, and characters.
Pore not then on thy wounds,
  dwell not on thy sorrows,
  look not at thy griefs;
  but apply at once to Jesus,
  he will bring you health and cure,
  he will heal you.
By his sufferings, death, and merits,
By his Godhead, blood, and pain,
Broken hearts, or wounded spirits,
Are at once made whole again.
James Smith 1849

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