Friday, June 21, 2024



JUNE 21.
The last enemy.
I Corinthians 15:26


THE Christian has many enemies,
  which shall all be subdued.
But there is one enemy that comes last,
  which is death.
This the Christian often dreads.
Sometimes he fears the pains of dying, and
  at other times the consequences of death.
He is haunted with so many temptations on the subject,
  and plied with such crafty suggestions.
“If you should be wrong!
  If you have been deceiving yourself!
  If you shall find all your expectations fancy!”
These, and many such like things,
  are thrown into the mind, and
  they harass, perplex, and trouble it.
The best way is, when such things exercise us,
  to look directly to Jesus,
  to call upon his dear name,
  to seek a smile from him, and
  this will drive away a thousand such thoughts as these.
Death is the last enemy that shall be destroyed;
  it will outlive all the rest.
But it must be destroyed,
  for Jesus will swallow up death in victory.
We shall see it chased from God's creation, and
  life in purity and perfection reigning.
We shall die but once; and
  then all will be happiness, and honor.
But will this be mine?
Yes, for my God has said the word,
The servant shall be with his Lord,
And see him face to face;
There shall I know as I am known,
Shine in the robe, and wear the crown,
Of Jesus’ righteousness.
James Smith 1849

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