Sunday, June 16, 2024


By the grace of God I am what I am.
I Corinthians 15:10


PAUL traces up all good to the favour of God.
What he was, he was by grace.
What he did, he did by grace.
What he expected, he expected from grace.
His conversation was a remarkable display of grace in its
  freeness, sovereignty, and power.
His gifts, graces, and usefulness,
  all flowed spontaneously from grace; therefore
  he felt deep humility, and ascribe the glory of all
  to the Lord alone.
He could speak of his sufferings,
  he could enumerate the great things he had done,
  but lest any one should ascribe ought to him,
  or at all glory in him, he said
     “Not I, but the grace of God that was with me.”
Beloved, let us copy this excellent example, and
  let us ascribe every thing that is really good,
  either in ourselves or others,
  to the distinguishing grace of God.
He that honours the grace of God
  will be sure to be honoured by the God of grace.
Grace always humbles its possessor, and
  therefore they who have the most grace
  are the most humble.
Proud, conceited, selfish professors, know very little,
  if any thing, of the true grace of God experimentally.
Then give all the glory to his holy name,
To him all the glory belongs;
Be yours the high joy still to sound forth his fame,
And crown him in each of your songs.
James Smith 1849

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