Sunday, June 9, 2024



O that I were as in months past!
Job 29:2

THE most pleasant is not always the most profitable.
The past is not perhaps really the best.
Then we had more sensible comfort,
  but now we have more faith.
Then we had a smoother path,
  but now we experience more of the power of God.
Bright and joyous seasons are not the most fruitful.
Besides, conflicts are necessary.
We must be tried.
Every grace must be called into exercise.
We must learn the value of the promises,
  by our deep and pressing need of them.
God is more glorified by sustaining us in weakness,
  keeping us in danger,
  preserving us in conflict, and
  guiding us along the dark and difficult way,
   then by filling us with joy and peace.
Let us not think too much of the past, or
  fancy that the former days were better than these;
  but let us ask,
“How can I glorify God in my present circumstances?
  How can I turn my present darkness,
  temptations, and trials to some good account?”
The present may be preparatory do 
  something particularly blessed:
  at least it is necessary to our soul’s 
   welfare and prosperity.
O may I still from sin depart;
A wise and understanding heart,
Jesus, to me be given,
And let me through thy Spirit know
To glorify my God below,
And find my way to heaven.
James Smith 1849

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