Tuesday, June 18, 2024


JUNE 18.
So shall thy God rejoice over thee.
Isaiah 62:5


THAT God should save a sinner at all,
   is a surprising display of unmerited grace.
But that he should bring that sinner into the
   closest possible relation to himself, and
   rejoice over him, is indeed most wonderful.
And yet it is most true.
For our Maker becomes our Husband; and
   as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride,
   so our God rejoice over us.
He sets his heart upon us.
He encircled us with his infinite love.
He determined to raise us to his glorious throne.
He purposed to make us one with himself.
He sent his only begotten Son to redeem us.
He sent his Holy Spirit to regenerate us.
He intends to raise us from the dead,
   perfect in holiness, and robed with immortality.
He will present us before his glorious presence 
  with exceeding joy.
He will joy over us with singing.
What exquisite joy will this impart?
Jehovah singing with joy over his ransomed 
  and restored creatures,
  as though their salvation could increase
   or perfect his happiness.
Let us meditate on this glorious fact, and
  prepare for the stupendous event.
Thy God well pleased and satisfied,
Shall view his image in thy breast,
Shall glory o’er his spotless bride,
And in his love for ever rest;
The host of heaven for thee employ,
And condescend to sing for joy.
James Smith 1849

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