Monday, June 3, 2024



To know the love of Christ.
Ephesians 3:19

THIS is the sweetest subject in heaven or earth, and
  the subject which of all others 
   we should desire to be acquainted with.
But we can only know the love of Christ,
  as we know the person of Christ;
   for as Christ is, so is his love.
Is his nature divine? His love is divine.
Is his nature human? His love is human.
Are the two natures united in his person?
  Then his love is human and divine united.
If his nature is infinite, his love is infinite;
  if his nature is eternal, his love is eternal;
  and if his nature is immutable, his love is immutable.
His love is so vast,
  so glorious,
    so spiritual, that it passeth knowledge.
We may know much of it, but we cannot know it fully.
Like the sun in the heavens,
  though we derive ten thousand blessings from it,
  though we know something of its greatness and grandeur,
  yet it is so high that we must be comparatively ignorant of it.
Let us study the love of Christ in the light of his word,
  in the light of his cross, and
  in the light of his constant intercession for us; and
  let us pray the Holy Spirit to unfold the love of Jesus to us.
He left his Father's throne above,
(So free, so infinite his grace,)
Emptied himself of all but love,
To die for our apostate race;
“Tis mercy all, immense, an free,
For, O my God, it found me out me!
James Smith 1849

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