Monday, June 24, 2024


JUNE 24.
Good news from a far country.
Proverbs 25:25

WE are all fond of hearing news, and
  especially news from a distance.
But if we have friends in the distant land,
  that causes us to feel a special interest in it.
The gospel is good news from heaven.
It comes to tell us that God is love;
  that peace is made;
  that Jesus has all power in heaven and in earth;
  and that we are invited to receive and
  enjoy all the blessings of life and salvation freely.
He tells us of acceptance with God,
  of access with confidence to God, and
  of interest in all the promises of God.
These tidings were sent direct from God, and
  that we might the more readily and
  confidently believe them,
  they were sent by the Son of God.
Heaven is our country.
It is far off.
But we have tidings respecting it, and
  a well executed map of the way to it.
There our brethren rest and rejoice;
  there a mansion is being fitted for our reception;
  there we shall be received when death has executed
   its commissions upon us.
Blessed be God for news from heaven,
  and especially for such good news!
O when shall we at once go up,
Nor this side of Jordan longer stop,
But the good land possess?
When shall we end our lingering years,
Our sorrows, sins, and doubts, and fears, -
A howling wilderness.
James Smith 1849

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