Saturday, June 8, 2024



It is God which worketh in you.
Philippians 2:13


THIS is for our encouragement, and
  on the ground of it we are exhorted to
    work with fear and trembling.
That God dwells in his people,
  is a glorious fact;
    but it is a great mystery.
And he dwells in us for our good as well as for his own glory.
He helpeth our infirmities.
He subdues are corruptions.
He quickens our grace.
He enables us to keep his precepts
   and observe his laws.
We must work by the precepts, which is our rule;
  and expect him to put forth his power and enable us,
   which is our privilege.
Beloved, what an unspeakable blessing is this,
  to have God working in us both to will and
    to do his own good pleasures!
Well may require us to suffer great things,
  and to do great things; and well my we say,
“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”
Let us realize this fact today, and
  let us beseech the Lord to put forth
  his power in us more manifestly, and
  so bring every thought into subjection to Jesus Christ.
What cannot the man do, who has omnipotence working in him?
What can we do without the putting forth of divine power in us?
Jesus said, “Without me you can do nothing.”
‘Tis he that works to will;
‘Tis he that works to do;
His is the power by which we act,
His be the glory too!
James Smith 1849

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