Thursday, June 27, 2024



JUNE 27.

Pure religion
James 1:27


RELIGION is devotedness to God, and
  supposes reconciliation to God,
  fellowship with God,
  coming under the yoke of God, and
    being of one mind and spirit with God.
Many profess religion who do not understand its nature,
  possess its principles, or
  practice its precepts.
They are not enlightened.
They are not sincere.
They are not devout.
Pure religion flows from pure principles,
  runs in a pure channel, and
   aims at pure ends.
Pure religion is humble, laborious, self denying.
The truly religious man not only embraces
  the doctrines of the gospel,
   but practices its precepts;
  not only worships God,
   but benefits his fellow men;
  is not only devout,
    but devoted.
He pities the fatherless,
  sympathizes with the widow, and
  keeps himself unspotted from the world.
If he can dry an orphan's tears,
  if he can minister to widows wants,
  if he can bring a soul to God, or
  in any way promote the holiness and
  happiness of his fellow men, 
    he is happy.
Is this the nature of our religion?
If not, it must be spurious.
Let us examine ourselves by this test.
Father, on me the grace be stowed,
Unblameable before thy sight,
Whence all the streams of mercy flow;
Mercy, thine own supreme delight,
To me, for Jesus’ sake impart,
And plant thy nature in my heart.
James Smith 1849

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