Friday, June 14, 2024




JUNE 14.
Thy backslidings shall reprove thee.
Jeremiah 2:29


GOD sometimes punishes one sin by allowing us to fall into another.
Every sin brings its own punishment, and
  we can sometimes read the sin in the punishment.
Our backslidings reproves us,
  they become our preachers, and
   they solemnly address us.
They point backward to the past,
  to the days of our first love,
  when our evidences were bright,
  our joys strong,
  our hopes lively,
  our faith vigorous and
  our prospects bright;
these are placed in contrast with our gloomy doubts,
  harassing fears,
  worldly frames,
  painful suspicions, and dreary foreboding;
and a soul-piercing voice cries,
  “know and see that it is an evil thing and bitter,
    that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God.”
Beloved, what is our experience this morning?
Is it that of the child who walks and
  converses with his beloved Father in peace?
Or, is it that of the ungrateful, disobedience prodigal,
  who has slighted a Father's love,
  shunned a Father's presence, and
  who is fearing a Father's frown?
If we have wandered, let us return.
The pains I have so longed endured,
I have unto myself procured,
I left my Guide to happiness,
I lost the true internal peace,
Nor can my soul retrieve it's rest,
‘Till lodg’d again in Jesus breast.
James Smith 1849

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