Tuesday, June 25, 2024



JUNE 25.
I will come to you.
John 14:18

THE presence of Jesus is the delight of his people.
When he told his disciples that he must leave them,
  it filled their hearts with sorrow.
But he assured them that he would not leave them as orphans,
  without the comfort of a Father's presence, care, 
  and protection, but that he would come unto them.
When he arose from the dead,
  he visited them in person; and
when he ascended into heaven,
  he visited them by his Spirit.
Jesus still visits his people.
He comes to us in the closet,
  in the sanctuary,
  in the business, and
  in the solitary walk.
He loves to meet us, be
  manifest himself unto us, and
  make our hearts burn within us.
He meets us in trouble, to cheer us;
  in sickness, to comfort us; and
  in death, to give us victory over the last foe.
But he loves to be invited by his people,
  let us invite him to meet us today.
The place is not particular;
  for he looks at the person, not the place;
  at the state of the heart, and
  not the circumstances in which we are placed.
If he comes to us,
  he will bring a blessing with him,
  for he never comes empty handed.

Saviour, I languish at thy stay!
I pine for thee with longing smart!
Weary and faint through long delay;
When wilt thou come into my heart?
From sin and sorrow set me free,
And swallow up my soul in thee!

James Smith 1849

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