Saturday, June 29, 2024



JUNE 29.
The Lord of host is with us.
Psalm 46:7


IF the God of armies,
  who has all creatures at his command,
  and under his control, be with us,
    what shall we fear?
But the Lord of host is with us,
  and he is for us.
He is with us to defend us from every foe,
  to give us courage in every conflict,
  to keep us in the hour of temptation, and
  to preserve us unto his Kingdom and glory.
But his presence is not intended
  to be a substitute for our efforts, or
  to excuse our negligence.
He will be honored by our confidence,
  obedience, and daring in his cause.
He will not defend the coward or protect the idle.
He says, “Fight the good fight of faith.”
Face your folds,
  use your weapons,
  watch your opportunities,
  obey your captain’s orders,
  be faithful under death, and
  I will give thee a crown of life.
Beloved, let us ever remember,
  that the Lord's presence is to give us courage,
  and to stimulate us to war a good warfare.
Here we must fight.
We must not put off our armor
  until we put on our shroud.
We must not quit the field,
  until our captain, to promote us,
   shall say, “Come up higher.”
He says also, “Work while it is called today,
  for the night cometh wherein no man can work.”
Our Lord is for us, sin, devils and men,
With malice oppose, with violence vain;
Howe’er they alarm us who evil intend,
They never can harm us, while God is our Friend.
James Smith 1849

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