Thursday, June 20, 2024



JUNE 20.
They shall rejoice in their portion.
Isaiah 61:7


THE Lord's people often appear to have very little
  to rejoice in on earth,
  the ground of their joy is invisible.
The Lord is their portion now, and
  in possessing him they really possessed all things.
They are a kingdom of priests, and
  the Lord is their inheritance.
But they shall possess the glorious land also,
  as their portion by and by;
  a land where storms never rise,
  disease never come,
  sorrow is never known, and pain is never felt.
Where the lamb shall be their light, and
  a present of God their glory.
But they may and do rejoice on their way to it,
  though not so much as they should.
They should rejoice that they have infallible directions,
  so that they can never miss their road,
  omnipotent protection,
    so that they shall safely arrive at the end;
  and failing supplies,
    so that they shall never be left to what;
  and in the glorious fact,
    that God overrules every thing for their good.
They shall rejoice in their portion,
  and it's greatness,
    for it is vast as infinity.
  and it's goodness,
    for it is the best in evidence;
  in its permanence,
    for it shall never pass into other hands;
  in its purity,
    for it is perfect holiness; and
  in its certainty,
    for it can never be forfeited or lost.
Happy Christian, fear not thou!
Triumph when thy Lord appears;
He who is thy portion now,
Will be thine through endless years.
James Smith 1849

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