Tuesday, June 4, 2024




I will be sorry for my sin.
Psalm 38:18


THIS is the least we can do; and
  if when sorry for it we forsake it,
  it is the most we can do.
But if we are truly sorry for sin,
  we must be thoroughly convinced of it by the Holy Spirit;
  we must see it grieving the heart of God,
  and crucifying his beloved Son.
No true sorrow for sin is felt,
  until we see that it is the sin against a God of love,
  and that it cost the life of the Son of God to atone for it.
Beloved, what is our sin - our easily besetting sin?
For it is for that we should be especially sorry.
Is it passion - or pride - or covetousness - or complaining
  - or unbelief - or want of sympathy with God's poor saints?
Whatever it is, let us know it;
  let us drag it to the cross;
  let us daily confess it;  
  let us be very sorry for it;
  let us get it pardoned;  
  let us strive against it until we overcome it.
For every sin we should grieve;
  every sin we should repent;
  against every sin our hearts should be set.
Have we been sorry for sin lately?
When did we last weep over sin before God?
Let us beware lest our hearts become hardened.
By thy Spirit, Lord, reprove,
All mine inmost sins reveal;
Sins against thy light and love,
Let me see, and let me feel;
Sins that sacrificed my God,
Spilt his precious, precious blood.


James Smith 1849


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