Wednesday, June 26, 2024



JUNE 26.
Turn thou to thy God
Hosea 12:6

ISRAEL had wandered from the Lord.
They had turned to him the back and not the face.
This was most ungrateful and insulting.
But have not we done the same?
Can we not read our own conduct
  in that of God’s ancient people?
Surely we may.
Let us then listen to the word which
  the Lord addressed to them.
It is a word full of love.
It is the Father, calling the prodigal child back
  to his home and to his bosom.
He says, “Turn,” you are in the wrong path.
You are pursuing an improper course.
You are following a false guide.
“Turn thou to thy God.”
He longed to receive thee back.
He longs to bless thee with a sense of his pardoning love.
He waits to be gracious unto thee.
Turn to him as thy father Jacob did.
Plead with him as he did on the plains of Peniel.
Wrestle until thou shall prevail, and
  carry away his blessing in thy bosom.
Beloved, let us turn to our God this morning.
Let us confess our sins,
  crave his pardon,
    acknowledge his forbearance and mercy, and
      seek deep repentance and his Holy Spirit.
Fountain of unexhausted love,
Of infinite compassion, here;
My Saviour and my Prince above,
Once more in my behalf appear!
Repentance, faith, and pardon give,
O let me turn again, and live!
James Smith 1849

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