Wednesday, June 5, 2024



We shall see him as he is.
I John 3:2

WE never saw “the man of sorrows” in his humiliation,
  but he shall see him in his glorified state.
He will soon re-visit our world.
He will come in his glory, and
  all the holy angels with him.
Then we shall see him.
We shall see him, and made like him;
  every spot or trace of imperfections will be
   for ever done away.
We shall see him, and then our love will be perfect,
  our admiration abiding, and our joy complete.
We shall be with him, sharing his joys,
  gracing his triumphs, and inheriting his fullness.
We shall never lose sight of him again,
  for he will dwell with us, and
   we shall always be delighted with his love.
Now we see him by faith,
  that is truly sweet and precious.
But we often mourn at a distance from him, and
  long and cry, “O to see his face!”
But when he comes to receive us to himself,
  all sighing, crying, and desiring will end;
  and all will be satisfaction, joy and peace.
Beloved, now are we the sons of God,
  and we shall be like him.
O to see him, and, -
For ever to behold him shine,
For evermore to call him mine,
And see him still before me!
For ever on his face to gaze,
And meet his full assembled rays,
While all the Father he displays,
To all the saints in glory.
James Smith 1849

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