Wednesday, June 19, 2024



JUNE 19.
Learn of me.
Matthew 11:29


JESUS is our great pattern and example,
  and every disciple should learn of him.
He goes before us through all the duties and trials of life,
  and shows us how they should be performed and borne.
He teaches us how to bear poverty without complaining,
  and popularity without pride.
How to endure contradiction with out resentment, and
  to bestow favours on the unthankful and unworthy.
Go, learn of Jesus to live by faith on thy Father’s word;
  to cultivate fellowship with thy Father in private;
  to do thy Father’s will in public;
  to suffer all thy Father has appointed thee;
  and to prefer his will before thy own.
Go. learn of him how to sympathize with the poor;
  to labour for the sick;
  and to pour benefits and blessings on all.
Go, learn of him, to be meek and lowly;
  patient and forgiving;
  industrious and devout: and
  to glorify God in thy body and spirit which are God’s.
Learn not of heathens, however virtuous;
  learn not of professors, however amiable;
  but learn of Jesus, for his motives were pure,
   and his conduct was perfect.
Lord, I fain would learn of thee
Meekness and humility;
In thy gentleness of mind,
In thy lowliness of heart,
Best mine inmost soul shall find;
Rest that never can depart.
James Smith 1849

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